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Squat Group

Body Weight Exercises

It's not always ideal to have exercise equipment on hand. When that's the case we have to get creative!

Parallel Lines


- Stand with your feet parallel and a comfortable distance apart with your weight evenly distributed between both legs. - Keeping your chest up, bend at your knees then hips to lower your bum down towards the ground behind you. - Go as low as you can with control, ideally your hips should go below your knees. - Keeping your weight evenly distributed, push up as fast as you can.

How to:

Push ups

- Come down so that your hands and feet are on the floor. - Place your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart. - Position your hips to form a straight line from your heels to your head. - Gently draw in your tummy using roughly 30% effort. - Bend your elbows lowering your body toward the ground. Keep your elbows at about 45 degrees from the sides of your body. - You should come down so that your chest is between your hands. - Lower until your chest is a small fist away from the ground and then push back up to the start position.

How to:


- Start standing up into a fully extended position with chest up and shoulders back and down. - Quickly move your hands down to the floor and jump your legs back to a fully extended position while lowering your body in to the lowest position of a press up. - Bounce your legs forward while pushing up with your arms then jump up fast and high. - Keep your head in a neutral position throughout the movement and don't allow your hips to drop bellow the point where your body is straight from ankles to head.

How to:

Split Squats

• Bend both knees and lower your hips straight down toward the ground. • Lower down until your front thigh is parallel to the floor or slight below depending on your flexibility. • Without touching the back knee to the ground, push down through the front leg, driving the body up and back to the start position. • Continue for the prescribed number of repetitions; switch sides and repeat on the other side. Coaching Tips: • Keep your core tight, chest up and back flat. • Do not let the back knee touch the floor. • Your front leg should be doing all of the work.

How to:

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